
பொம்மை கொலு (bomai kolu - doll display)


நீயும் பொம்மை நானும் பொம்மை
நெனச்சு பாத்தா எல்லாம் பொம்மை
தாயின் மடியில் பிள்ளையும் பொம்மை
தலைவன் முன்னே தொண்டனும் பொம்மை
கோயிலில் வாழும் தெய்வமும் பொம்மை
அதை கும்பிடும் மனிதர் யாவரும் பொம்மை...
nīyum bom'mai nāṉum bom'mai
neṉaccu pāttā ellām bom'mai
tāyiṉ maṭiyil piḷḷaiyum bom'mai
talaivaṉ muṉṉē toṇṭaṉum bom'mai
kōyilil vāḻum teyvamum bom'mai
atai kumpiṭum maṉitar yāvarum bom'mai
You are a doll, i am a doll;
On thinking (we realize that all is doll;
child in mother's lap is doll;
servant is doll in front of master;
god living in temple is also doll;
all men who worship it are doll (too).
Tamil Reference : திரை இசை பாடல் (tirai isai pāḍal)

So far, as far as other blogs in this series of blogs, we have been discussing as to the काल आलोकन नवरात्राणि पूजायाः (kāla ālokana navarātrāṇi pūjāyāḥ – temporal aspect of nine-nights worship)we shall now take a quick look at its देश आलोकन (deśa ālokana – spatial aspect).  Please remember that in Hinduism, there are three major ritual traditions viz.

वेद संप्रदाय (veda saṃpradāya – vedic tradition) focusing on उपासन देवतानाम् (upāsana devatānām – worship of deities) that are formally invoked through यज्ञिय होमाः (yajñiya homāḥ - sacrificial oblations) based on formal rules prescribed in the sacred वेद शास्त्र (veda śāstra – vedic scripture)

आगम संप्रदाय (āgama saṃpradāya) focusing on अर्चन देवतानाम् (arcana devatānām – praising of deities) that are formally consecrated as the अर्चावतार विग्रहाणाम् सार्वजनिक देवालयेषु (arcāvatāra vigrahāṇām sārvajanika devālayeṣu – iconographic incarnation of idols in public temples) based on formal rules prescribed in the sacred आगम शास्त्र (āgama śāstra) These are specially designed for collective worship for the wider community of devotees in the society.

 तन्त्र संप्रदाय (tantra saṃpradāya) focusing on पूजा देवतानाम् (pūjā devatānām – worship of deities) that are formally consecrated as the अर्चावतार प्रतिमाम्  वैयक्तिक गृहेषु (arcāvatāra pratimām vaiyaktika  gṛheṣu – iconographic incarnation of images/pictures in private homes) based on formal rules prescribed in the sacred तन्त्र शास्त्र (tantra śāstra). These are specially designed for individual worship for the specific family members.

Thus while प्रतिष्ठा देवतानाम वैयक्तिक गृहेषु (pratiṣṭhā devatānāma vaiyaktika gṛheṣu – consecration of deities in private homes) is usually confined to प्रतिमाः (pratimāḥ - pictures) since there are very very strict rules of conduct and ritual protocols to be religiously complied with by the family members when it comes to formal विग्रह प्रतिष्टा (vigraha pratiṣṭā – idol consecration), that become practically difficult for many साधारन गृहस्थाः (sādhārana gṛhasthāḥ  - ordinary householders) to adhere with.

நவராத்திரி பொம்மை கொலு (navarātiri bommai kolu) is an honourable exception, wherein these rules are slightly relaxed (as the event is time-capsuled for a very short period), for the benefit of these साधारन गृहस्थाः (sādhārana gṛhasthāḥ  - ordinary householders) That way, we are blessed during this season.

Traditionally, during this period it is customary among some families across India to celebrate what is called as பொம்மை கொலு (bommai kolu – doll festival) wherein dolls of various deities are consecrated in a series of steps and worshipped. Historically, this practice can be traced to नवदुर्ग उपासन (navadurga upāsana – contemplation of nine Durgas) practiced in the शाक्त मत संप्रदाय (śākta mata saṃpradāya – shakti theological tradition) wherein the dolls were predominantly confined to different forms of the goddess श्री दुर्गा देवी (śrī durgā devī). However, subsequently, over the years it was extended to include other देवताः (devatāḥ - deities) cutting across the शन्मत संप्रदाय (śanmata saṃpradāya – six religious’ traditions)Ideally each பொம்மை (bommaidoll) is religiously consecrated (spiritualized) according the rules prescribed in the तन्त्र शास्त्र (tantra śāstra).

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